Heritage Volunteers Currently, The East Midlands Area Heritage Volunteer Representative, Hilary Olleson, is also the representative for The Arts Society Grantham. Her role is to advise on and sometimes lead new projects with the other Societies in the East Midlands. We are eager to hear from anyone with an interest in conservation who would like to take on the role of Heritage Volunteer Organiser for our Grantham society. Hilary's contact details are on our ‘Contact Us’ page. Below are some projects, one current, which Grantham has led over the past 5 years Belvoir Castle Book Conservation and Shelf List. Beginning in 2003, under professional guidance, a group began work conserving, repairing and recording over 8000 books both in the small and large libraries. Still continuing in 2017 it is anticipated that the entire project will take 15 years to complete. A shelf list of the library contents is being compiled and entered onto a database, to enable searching of the library's collection. Textiles at St Wulfram's Church, Grantham. From 2003 a small group of experienced, talented, needlewomen has completed non-invasive work under the direction of Mary Sleigh the Lincoln Diocesan Church Textile Advisor. Funded by the Friends of St. Wulfram's, altar cloths, frontals and copes and vestments have been sorted, repaired and their storage facilities improved. Archives at St. Wulfram's Church, Grantham. Projects all completed Rocking Horse project, Grantham House. The restoration and conservation of a 150 year-old rocking horse (known affectionately as "Dobbin") was undertaken by the Former Chairman of GADDFAS, John Hill, funded by the National Trust. Dobbin belongs to the National Trust and is normally resident at Grantham House. The Trigge Library, a chained library, housed in St Wulfram's Church, Grantham was the first public library in the country (est. 1598) and today is one of only three remaining public chained libraries. Routine sorting, cleaning and non-invasive work has been carried out under expert direction. Volunteer stewards work on a rota to ensure the library is open to the public as often as possible. Web site designed, created and maintained by Janet Groome, Handshake Computer Training.
The Arts Society Grantham
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Web site and mobile pages designed, created and maintained by Janet Groome Handshake Computer Training